Time & Location
4th April 2024, 4.00pm
Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, Belfast
5th April 2024, 4.00pm
Thomastown Concert Hall, Kilkenny
About the Event
Sestina Music is delighted to present In Praise of St Cecilia to audiences in Belfast and Kilkenny in April 2024. Inspired by the success of recent online and in-person events, Sestina Music will be running another come-and-sing workshop, ‘Sing with Sestina: Welcome to all the pleasures,’ open to anyone and everyone who loves to sing! These workshops will explore Purcell’s Welcome to all the pleasures in detail, culminating in an informal performance. Come along and immerse yourself in a historically informed and authentic approach to this celebratory ode to the patron saint of music.
Who can take part?
This event is aimed at anyone who enjoys choral singing and has an interest in learning Purcell’s Welcome to all the pleasures. Reading music is useful, but not essential - Sestina Music will provide sample recordings and a marked-up score to help you prepare for the event.
What’s involved?
Participants will have access to the following resources:
Sample recordings which will help guide you through the preparation of the piece.
An annotated score.
Where and when?
Workshops will take place in Belfast on Thursday 4th April and in Thomastown, Kilkenny on Friday, 5th April, 2024 and will run from 1600-1700.
Participants will join the full Sestina Music ensemble and their period instrument band for a one-hour workshop guided by Musical Director Mark Chambers.
How to take part?
Advance booking is recommended. Tickets are available below. The ticket price for workshop participation is £15/€17 (£10/€12 for students).
A combination deal is available for persons attending the workshop and concert in BELFAST. If you are interested in attending both events in Kilkenny, contact info@sestinamusic.com for more info.